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الموضوع: الرجااااااء ساعدوني ولكم الأجر

  1. #1
    الصورة الرمزية أميرة السلام
    نبض جديــد
    تاريخ التسجيل
    12- 2011

    الرجااااااء ساعدوني ولكم الأجر

    أنا عندي تقديم برزينتيشن على نهاية هذا الشهر
    اريد موضوع في البزنز موضوع جديد الله يخليكم اكيد بالانجلش
    ولكم الاجر والثواب يا أخواتي وخواتي..

  2. #2
    الصورة الرمزية * البـــــاشـــق *
    نبض متألـق
    تاريخ التسجيل
    05- 2002

    رد: الرجااااااء ساعدوني ولكم الأجر

    الموضوع عن البزنز بالضبط عن شو في البزنز
    نرجو التوضيح
    وان شاء الله حاضرين

  3. #3
    الصورة الرمزية أميرة السلام
    نبض جديــد
    تاريخ التسجيل
    12- 2011

    رد: الرجااااااء ساعدوني ولكم الأجر

    ايش رايكم في الموضوع هذا the role of slogans to promotion prouducts
    بحثت بس ما حصلت المعلومات المطلوبه اذا احد يقر يساعني لان التقديم عندي بالسبت ان شاالله
    ولكم الاجر والثواب ان شاالله...

  4. #4
    الصورة الرمزية * البـــــاشـــق *
    نبض متألـق
    تاريخ التسجيل
    05- 2002

    رد: الرجااااااء ساعدوني ولكم الأجر

    عفوا للتصحيح العبارة فقط
    the role of slogans to promote products
    اتمنى ان تكون العبارة صحيحة هكذا؟؟؟
    ارجو الافادة

  5. #5
    الصورة الرمزية * البـــــاشـــق *
    نبض متألـق
    تاريخ التسجيل
    05- 2002

    رد: الرجااااااء ساعدوني ولكم الأجر

    Advertising Slogans are an effective way to promote a product or service you can quickly and easily create customized slogans for your business in seconds, using our advertising slogans generator. Our resources include a write effective slogans tutorial, information about slogans and our online advertising slogans generator. Simply enter the word or words you wish to create a slogan for into the box below and push the button. The advertising slogans will create your free slogans instantly in a matter of seconds.
    Advertising slogans are the most effective means of drawing attention to one or more aspects of a product or products. Typically they make claims about being the best quality, the tastiest, cheapest, most nutritious, providing an important benefit or solution, or being most suitable for the potential customer.
    At the start of World War I a famous poster called on young British men to volunteer and serve their country as expressed by one of Britain's foremost soldiers, Lord Horatio Kitchener. The famous slogan "Your Country Needs You" was heard around the world. Still today America uses a variation of this slogan "Uncle Sam needs you", or "The Army needs you".

    Advertising slogans often play a large part in the interplay between rival companies. An effective slogan usually:
    • states the main benefits of the product or brand for the potential user or buyer
    • implies a distinction between it and other company's products
    • makes a simple, direct, concise, crisp, and apt statement
    • is often witty, if it is required as not all advertising slogans are meant to be witty
    • adopts a distinct personality of its own
    • gives a credible impression of a brand or product
    • makes the consumer feel good
    • makes the consumer feel a desire or need
    • is hard to forget - it adheres to one's memory (whether one likes it or not)
    advertising slogans are usually written by professional writers. Advertising slogans are subject to ethical constraints and are often viewed by official bodies, such as the Advertising Standards Authority in the UK, or the European Advertising Standards Alliance who claim to have a responsibility to the public good and whose decision making follows an Advertising Code. Similar organizations exist in Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, Australia, South Africa, as well as other countries.

    Example advertising slogans:
    • "Let your fingers do the walking." - Yellow Pages, 1964, Geers Gross
    • "Must See TV" - NBC, late 1990s
    • "Nick is for kids" - Nickelodeon TV channel
    • "The Breakfast of Champions" into the 1990s
    • "Bet you can't eat three" - Shredded Wheat
    • "Can't Get Enough of That Golden Crisp"
    • "Getting There Is Half The Fun" - Cunard Line
    • "Leave the driving to us" - Greyhound Lines
    • "See what brown can do for you" - UPS
    • "Exceedingly Good Cakes" - Mr Kipling Cakes
    • "Doing what we do best", and later "Something special in the air" - American Airlines
    • "Free Slogan Generator by Slogan4U It's All We Do" - Slogan4U.com
    So as you can see advertising slogans are an important part of promoting and selling a product or service. Feel free to use our advertising slogans generator and for help writing your advertising slogans consult our Slogan4U write effective slogans tutorial.

  6. #6
    الصورة الرمزية * البـــــاشـــق *
    نبض متألـق
    تاريخ التسجيل
    05- 2002

    رد: الرجااااااء ساعدوني ولكم الأجر

    هذه بعض النماذج ويمكن اختصار المقالة وحذف ما لا رغبه به من المقال
    اتمنى اني قد قدرت اساعدك ولو قليل
    حاضرين طال عمرك

  7. #7
    الصورة الرمزية حنين الماضي
    مشرفة منتدى
    تاريخ التسجيل
    12- 2010

    رد: الرجااااااء ساعدوني ولكم الأجر

    امير السلام

    ندعوا لك بالتوفيق

    وانشاءالله يكون الباشق ساعدك في طلبك

    الله يسهل امورك دائما

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