المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : عذرا غزة فهذا أقل ما يمكننا فعله

ضيف المهاجر
29 - 12 - 2008, 10:32
السلام عليكم جميعا ....

ليس بأيدنا أكثر من الدعاء وهذا المنتدى الصغير تضامنا مع غزة وكل فلسطين ...

فاعذرونا أحبتي

وإن الله على نصركم لقدير ... فاصبروا وما صبركم إلا بالله ...

عليه توكلوا وإليه أنيبوا .. فهو رب المستضعفين ...

وإن نصره لقريب ..

اللهم أعنهم ولا تعن عليهم .... وانصرهم .. وثبت أقدامهم .. واجعل كلمتك هي العليا وكلمة الذي كفروا السفلى .. وأذل اليهود ومن ناصرهم واخزهم وشتتهم ولا تبق لم من باقية إلى يوم الدين


ابن خاطر
29 - 12 - 2008, 11:28
بوركت أخي ضيف المهاجر

وتبقى غزة من حصار لمذبحة

أفيقوا أيها العرب

المقصود ليس غزة بل الإسلام القادم من غزة

أسأل الله العظيم أن يعزنا بعز الإسلام وينصرنا على أعدائنا في غزة

حسبنا الله ونعم الوكيل

ابن خاطر

زنبقةُ الحرف
29 - 12 - 2008, 13:43
اللهم أعنهم ولا تعن عليهم .... وانصرهم .. وثبت أقدامهم .. واجعل كلمتك هي العليا وكلمة الذي كفروا السفلى .. وأذل اليهود ومن ناصرهم واخزهم وشتتهم ولا تبق لهم من باقية إلى يوم الدين


ندى غزة
29 - 12 - 2008, 14:40
حسبنا الله ونعم الوكيل على اليهود واتباعهم

اشكركم اخوتى على نبل مشاعركم الصادقة

ارجو منكم الاكثار من هذه الوقفة التى نقدرها ونحسها لكم باخوتكم وتضامنكم معنا

اخى ضيف شكرا بحجم المعاناه التى نعيشها

كل الاحترام لكم جميعا

ندى غزة

29 - 12 - 2008, 23:17
أتمنى من كل حكام العرب المسلمين
بأن يتحركوا ويصحوا من سباتهم

لإنهم محاسبون امام الله يوم القيامه

ولا ننسى نصرة سيدنا وحبيبنا محمد رسول الله
_ صلى الله عليه وسلم _

ويمكن سبب ذلنا هو اننا عاجزين عن نصرة رسول الله
وأمهات المؤمنين زوجاته رضوان الله عليهم

اللهم أعز الإسلام والمسلمين في كل مكان

وأذل اليهود الصهاينة الظالمين

وانصر دينك ونبيك يارب العالمين

حسبنا الله على اليهود المجرمين

30 - 12 - 2008, 03:01
اللهم عليك باليهود وواعوان اليهود
اللهم نصرك المؤزر
يا الله
يا الله
يا الله

30 - 12 - 2008, 04:53
بحس فعلا" اننا مقصرين بس مو طالع بيدنا غير الدعاء
وقلوبنا معاكم

اللهم أعنهم ولا تعن عليهم .... وانصرهم .. وثبت أقدامهم .. واجعل كلمتك هي العليا وكلمة الذي كفروا السفلى .. وأذل اليهود ومن ناصرهم واخزهم وشتتهم ولا تبق لم من باقية إلى يوم الدين


01 - 01 - 2009, 12:20
ليس لنا سوى الدعاء فأعذرونا
قلوبنا وعقولنا ومشاعرنا معكم

أخي إبن خاطر :
ربي يسمع منك ويكون الأسلام بالفعل قادم من غزة

اللهم أذل اليهود والنصارى وأجعلهم عبرة لغيرهم
وانصر إخواننا في فلسطين وفي كل أنحاء العالم
على من عاداهم وساهم في إذلالهم

01 - 01 - 2009, 12:49
اللهم أعنهم ولا تعن عليهم .... وانصرهم .. وثبت أقدامهم .. واجعل كلمتك هي العليا وكلمة الذي كفروا السفلى .. وأذل اليهود ومن ناصرهم واخزهم وشتتهم ولا تبق لم من باقية إلى يوم الدين


طفلة العشق
09 - 01 - 2009, 21:14
نسأل الله أن يفرج عنهم وينصرهم نصرا عاجلا ويزلزل الأرض من تحت أقدام من ظلمهم ويشفي مصابهم ويرحم شهداءهم

(( اللهم يا سامع السر والنجوى يا كاشف الضر والبلوى اللهم يا سامع السر والخفيه يا من حوائجنا عنده مقضيه
اللهم يا مسبب الاسباب يا قاهر الاعداء يا هازم الاحزاب يا منزل الشتاء يا مخرج الاموات يا هاذم الذات
يا كاشف الكرب يا سميع يا عليم يا بانيه السماء بغير عمد ما مسير الارض بغير عون اللهم انصر اهل فلسطين على من عاداهم اللهم صوب رميهم اللهم ثبت الارض تحت اقدامهم اللهم اجعل نار اعدائهم برد وسلام على المسلمين
اللهم اجعل نار المسلمين تحرق الاعداء اللهم احرس المسجد الاقصى من مكر الماكرين اللهم اقتل من قتل المسلمين
اللهم انصر شعب فلسطين على اعدائك اعدائهم اليهود اللهم اجعل لاهل فلسطين النصره والعزه والغلبه والقوه والهيبه في قلوب اعدائهم اللهم اشفي جرحاهم واطلق اسر اسراهم اللهم انصر مجاهديهم في سبيلك في برك وبحركوجوي يا رب العالمين امين امين امين))

Omani princess
22 - 01 - 2009, 22:51
اللهم أنصر أهلنا في غزة

وأشملهم برحمتك , اللهم ثبت اقدامهم , وفك أسرهم

وأنصرهم على القوم الظالمين , اللهم أعنهم على عدوهم , وتولى اليهود الطاغين

وزلزل الأرض من تحتهم, وشتت شملهم

وأرزق الجنان شهداء غزة

05 - 11 - 2010, 07:48
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Reprinted from alumni of the user at 14:54 on April 20, 2010 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: Community Map

1, the practice of fish】 【saliva

2, the practice of boiled fish】 【

3, the practice of fried fish 【】

4, the practice of steamed fish】 【sea

5, the practice】 【cod

6, the practice of sweet and sour fish】 【

7, practice】 【braised fish

8, the practice of pickled fish】 【

9, the practice of fish pepper】 【

10, the practice of fish】 【Scallion

11, 【【】 practice of sweet and sour crispy fish

12, the practice of fish head】 【

13, 【】 firewood to the practice of fish

14, the practice】 【squirrel mandarin fish

15, the practice】 【Beer Fish

16, 【】 mandarin fish, the practice dates

1, the practice of fish】 【saliva

materials: a flower silver carp, two spoons of starch, about half of the two fried peanuts, cooked white sesame two key, the old a small piece of ginger, garlic, one onion five, two spoons of lobster sauce, three tablespoons of cooking wine, soy sauce, two spoons, a tablespoon of vinegar, a spoonful of sugar, oil hot pepper or two, two spoons pepper oil, salt, amount of MSG, sesame oil and a tablespoon.

1, Clean the fish pieces into pieces, salt, cooking wine marinate a few minutes, add water, starch and mix yards taste, fried chop crushed peanuts, chopped lobster sauce, onion, garlic, ginger mince.

2, pot heat the oil till the Liucheng, into the lobster sauce, ginger, garlic Stir flavor.

3, in a large pot add salt, MSG, sugar, soy sauce, vinegar, ginger and garlic fried in lobster sauce, oil pepper, pepper oil, sesame oil, stir fried and turned into peanut sauce .

4, put the oil pan set each Zhisi Cheng burning hot, add fish fry slip loose.

5, remove and drain the oil into the bowl after.

6, topped with sauce, then sprinkled with sesame seeds cooked, chopped green onions Serve.

7, mix well

2, the practice of boiled fish】 【


1. buy carp fish, cut into fillets.

2. to the fish sizing (salt, monosodium glutamate, onion, ginger, wine, pepper, or if you prefer, you can put five-spice powder or other flavor you like)

3. a little water to a boil, add fish boiled (8 as can be), immediately remove. Parts pot, water will not.

4. will be a lot of (large) Heat oil and pepper, add some red pepper (depending on personal taste to set), until the pan in a little black pepper color, when the oil poured on fish above.

5. in the restaurant to eat boiled fish fillets often have a lot of underneath the yellow bean sprouts. Just above the fish shop in the bean sprouts and a layer of it. While he eat at home, then you can avoid the sprouts.

6. oil just poured go, because of high oil temperature, careful not to spill hot oil to your own, cooked the fish so the water storage appliances must be larger.


bean sprouts, or your favorite vegetables, ginger (a chunk, making Songqie piece), garlic (a, a little film you can, do not cut), onion amount, watercress (or Duojiao), pepper, red pepper, chili powder, salt, monosodium glutamate, pepper, cooking wine, soy sauce, vinegar and a little oil and it takes another: raw powder, cooking wine, a little salt, protein A

1, the fish will kill a good wash, chop off the head and tail, slice into the fish, and chop the remaining pieces of fish. The fish with salt, cooking wine, cornstarch, and a protein grasping uniform, marinate for 15 minutes. Fish head and tail and the other plate, using the same method pickled)

2, boil a pot of water to the cleaned bean sprouts, blanched in boiling water, fishing into the big tub in to taste a pinch of salt.

3, in a clean wok add three times the usual cooking oil, oil heat, add three tablespoons of Douban (or chop fried) until fragrant, add ginger, garlic, onions, peppercorns , chili powder and red pepper stir-fry over medium heat. The flavor was added and the fish head and tail, turn the fire, turn absorbed, add cooking wine and soy sauce, pepper, sugar amount, continue to stir fry a while, add some hot water, both salt and monosodium glutamate seasoning (to taste salty .) To be open water to keep fire, a piece of the fish into, casual aside with chopsticks, 3 to 5 minutes off the fire. All the cooked fish and bean sprout soup into the large bowl of just Sheng.

4, also take a clean pot, pour half a catty oil (oil depends on the specific size of containers ready to pour when the big tub, the fish and bean sprouts all submerged subject, you can visually look .) Heat the oil until after the first turn off the heat to dry it. Then add lots of pepper and dried pepper (see the individual addicted to spicy level), low heat slowly Stir pepper and chili flavor. Not too much emphasis on fire to avoid fried paste.

5, peppers change color rapidly, immediately turn off the heat, the pot with oil and chilli pepper poured into the large bowl of fish, be careful hot!! eat!!


1, Zhu Yu is not appropriate amount of water to fish in place, just to be flooded. After cooked into the basin, some fish will be exposed outside.

2, Zhu Yu and chili pepper before the first part of the fried, the cooking time, you can fully extract the red pigment in pepper, the oil color bright red.

3, pickled fish, people should not put too much salt, would be salty, but also undermine the delicious fish.

4, I think, pepper and hot pepper are fragrant, so we should look at re-spilled oil speculation is better.


carp, pepper, pepper, red pepper, hot pepper (cut into small pieces about 2 cm), sugar, salt, MSG, bean sprouts, salad oil (preferably no peanut oil), wine knife (sharp knife), pot (iron), pots (deep basin)

1, clean the fish, pay attention to the inner wall of the fish belly black film must go to clean, and then from the tail, slice open the fish of a split in two, remove the fish bones from the tail end piece of the child, to a large, thin fillet is the best.

2, the good fish pieces adding the right amount of salt, pepper noodles, red pepper, mix well. In order to provide fresh, add a little sugar and MSG, plus a small amount of wine (preferably rice wine), pickled 20 to 30 minutes.

3, the washed bean sprouts washed in boiling water over about, ready to use.

4, pot put a lot of oil (LD distressed look good), 9 into the heat until the oil, add the marinated fish head first, after Zhashu into the basin filled with bean sprouts, and then Then put the right amount of meat in the pan, slide open to fishing after the basin filled with bean sprouts until the complete slide all the fish.

5, 8, deep fry the pepper into the pot when mature, into the pepper section of children, deep fry until deep red pepper, pour the entire pot filled with bean sprouts and fish to the pot , lost all the kitchen to diffuse the smell of boiled fish, complete.

(d) of boiled fish, the most simple way!

1. carp cleaned, sliced children. I cut thin enough, but, you know.

2. fillets with salt, tasty, not salty not eat!

3. make water, cooked the fish pieces to the cooked fish so far, not too old Yeah, about three minutes.

4. a separate pot, making oil, many, many oil, must be able to fish it all soaked into.

5. Prepare a large bowl, which put onion, ginger, garlic, bean sprouts, etc. Good copy.

6. the cooked fish on the bowl, and finally brought into the chili from the restaurant, pour hot oil.

3, 【】

practice of fried fish most commonly used materials: African carp, garlic, ginger, garlic. Cleaning the fish, add the garlic in the belly of the fish two, (garlic to shoot open). Stir the pan, add a little ginger, garlic. Hong will be copied into the pot of fish cleaning tidied. Note that too little oil, fish pot must be busy after the fire. Burst into the skin golden brown, then there is fragrance wafting. At this time, the fish with the push to the side of the pot, you can see the bottom of the pot still a little oil, garlic Wash and cut the stem right down to stir the pot several times, and then push to the fish and garlic together add salt, MSG, shoot a good number of garlic, add a little soy sauce, stir a few times, add water to cook ravioli (be careful not to add too much water, and the fire was not too busy.) Wait until the soup thickens, and add a little garlic tail. After the light can be a clean wok stir fry.

4, the practice of steamed fish】 【sea

fish, 1, 25 g mushrooms 25 g ginger, rice wine 15 grams, sugar, salt, MSG, bamboo shoot , cooked ham, sesame oil amount, pepper ① scraping scales to the fish gills, oral wash; ② the fish into the field plate put onions, ginger, mushrooms, bamboo shoots, ham, add rice wine, sugar , salt, monosodium glutamate, pepper, mixing with the body on the cage on the mandarin fish stir-steam about 15 minutes, came out, topped with sesame oil

5, the practice】 【cod

first approach: cod peeled and cut into small pieces change, salt, white pepper, lemon mix with. Brush butter on the steak, the oven, bake at 180 degrees Celsius temperature for 20 minutes, remove, open flame?, Until there are golden brown. Features: cod is a deep-sea fish, high nutritional value and taste fresh, no thorns, delicious butter.

second approach: 1, from the supermarket to buy chunks of Cod Fish, wash stand. 2, the steak to stab peeled, cut into inch square chunks. Pour the juice oozing. Add an egg, a little starch. And according to their own taste by adding spices, I usually put soy sauce, vinegar, cooking wine, salt and allspice. Mix well and set aside 5-10 minutes to allow the full tasty fish to be fried out. 4, I generally use olive oil to frying, color is beautiful. Jiao Jian Hao fish outside and tender inside, the entrance. You can also dip when eating salt and pepper or other seasoning you like. Try it, when the fish ingest, you must also send a glad sigh!

third approach: 1, raw: silver snow fish, yams, green peppers, onions, ginger; 2, spices: Lee Kum Kee chicken powder, cooking wine, salad oil, salt, broth, cornstarch; Method: 1. Peel the yam into pellets, cod and cut fine, green, red pepper cubes. 2. Pan put the oil pan, the next onion, ginger saute, then add cod, yams, green, red pepper, stir-fry until cooked with spices, can thicken pan; 4 characteristics: color, white, light and *******ing have completed the spleen and stomach, lung and kidney beneficial effect.

6, the practice of sweet and sour fish】 【

available fish species carp, grass carp, blackfish and so on.

Daogong sweet and sour fish is very particular about the family to do just to play sweet and sour fish, deep knife to open up Jidao can, and should not be too particular about the knife.

make a good knife, fish, wine and home spices (salt, monosodium glutamate, pepper) seasoning, and then wash hydroplaning clean, the smell of fish remains, drain the water after the bomb into the pan until crispy fried up.

relatively large amount of oil, or fried fish easy to fall apart. And then use the tomato sauce and white vinegar, sugar, with a small amount of salt, thicken sauce, pour in the fried fish.

a fragrant, bright red sweet and sour fish can serve. Sweet and sour fish, sweet taste with a tart features, tasteless fish, hook juice rich, no longer have the taste of fish.

7, braised fish 【】

general approach can be used to roast the fish for more species, like carp, grass carp, crucian carp, tilapia, etc. can be.

to clean the fish kill took a knife fight.

braised fish knife is a vertical cut, the fish was massive. Look inside the frying pan first, the oil amount not too much.

and then to the pot to the soup (chicken soup or pork bone soup) seasoning, then add soy sauce.

other pot temperature rose up, adding a small amount of vinegar (vinegar is very important, essential. not only play a role in softening of fish bone, as well as the effectiveness of fishy.)

burning time is usually about five minutes. After burning, the pot only part of the broth has been concentrated juice,chi flat iron (http://www.achistore.us), the color was dark red, because the process of stew, so the comparison tasty braised fish and sour.

braised fish is tender and the taste characteristics of melted, rich, suitable for any crowd.

8, the practice of pickled fish】 【

a famous dish in Sichuan. It is a decoction with the, \Generally with green grass carp fish species, grass carp, fat top.

boneless fish washed, sliced, then salt, MSG will fillet marinated, then corn starch sizing. Then wash the sauerkraut. (Note: Large supermarket selling pickled cabbage).

pan put a small amount of oil, fry ginger, garlic, fried and then put sauerkraut, plus stock. First sauerkraut cook two minutes, to taste fine, and then the fish into the pot, boil for two minutes or cooked.

taste like to eat Sichuan Ma's friends also put some pepper into it.

9, the practice of fish pepper】 【

materials: meat, fish (carp, grass carp, carp, only fish), mushroom (Qing Sun tablets) amount, dried pepper, pepper

1, pickled fish: the fish, cut into thin slices, salt, soy sauce, chicken, starch and egg and mix well, marinate 15-30 minutes.

2, do the end of material: the mushroom (Qing Sun film) boiled, remove and put the soup (fish with large pots) inside.

3, hot fish: into the home in the broth, salt, ginger, chicken seasoning. After the soup until boiling, add the marinated fish. Nine mature mats have been poured into a soup mushroom (Qing Sun-chip) in the punch bowl.

4, flavoring do: put the oil the wok, add a little heat to dry pepper, stir fry a few (can not be delayed, or dried pepper black, color is not good), then add pepper, the same stir fry a few (can not be delayed, or pepper is easy to become bitter, taste bad).

5, pot: the flavor into the fish feed on. To table.

features: fresh fish, entrance, incense and hemp and spicy!

10, the practice】 【Scallion

fish a perch about a pound more than you can, wash clean and peel; ginger, peeled and cut into several pieces; onions, finely chopped , semi-saucer; soy sauce, rice wine, vinegar, soy sauce, salt, monosodium glutamate

second step, the steamed sea bass body parallel to the first cut into the number of knives, not too deep, over and also cut the rice wine, salt, MSG even wipe the fish, the fish stuffed opening flat on a plate of ginger to put the pot steaming pot of water not too much, about 20-30 minutes, the amount of

third step, refueling; fish eyes when striking almost steamed. Remove from heat at this time, the plate would have some juice, drained some, sprinkle green onions, add appropriate amount of soy sauce, vinegar and remaining water drained into the pot, from the hot oil, emerging oil and gas, and oil is poured evenly on the fish.

11, 【】 practice of sweet and sour crispy fish, fresh fish

1000 grams, 70 grams of vegetable oil, soy sauce, 45 ml, 20 ml wine vinegar 50 ml, 2.5 pepper grams, 6 grams of salt, MSG 2 grams, 100 grams sugar, 10 grams of chopped green onion, ginger 5 grams of rice, garlic 15 grams, 15 grams of starch.

1. the fish to the scales, gills, eviscerating wash, two labeled peony knife, with onions, ginger (Paisui), salt, cooking wine, pepper, after picking tasty addition to onions, ginger , water, starch shoot well.

2. 7 into a hot burning oil, fish Zhashu pot, remove. Heat the oil until the fish to 8 into a complex and deep fry crisp when the plate.

3. pot stay in base oil, the next green onion, ginger, rice, garlic, soy sauce, salt, cooking wine, pepper, MSG, sugar, vinegar, until sauce thicken when open, into the boiling oil, the juice pouring Serve the fish evenly.

Characteristics: golden red, crisp outside, tender, sweet, salty.

12, the practice of fish head】 【

fresh fat head (also known as male, the bulk of the fish) the head of a Special Note: the head must be fresh, placed in the refrigerator for too long. Fine Pepper, ginger, monosodium glutamate (or chicken), cooking oil, steamed fish soy sauce, soy sauce

1, will head cut open, to cheek wash, drain into the dish.

2, the delicate surface of chopped hot pepper evenly spread in the head (can decide how many flavors).

3, D with ginger, salt (small amount, because there are great Duojiao salt), MSG, soy sauce steamed fish, cooking oil and a small amount of water.

4, will be Sheng cold fish plate into the steamer (avoid high pressure, hot pot), raging fire, steaming after a big steam 8-10 minutes.

5, pot, topped with a tablespoon of soy sauce, then dotted with small shallot.

13,chi flat iron (http://www.achistore.us), the practice of the fish pot】 【

fresh grass carp 1 (about 1500 g) or flowers of silver carp (2000 grams), 300 grams of pot at the end material, Pixian Douban 200 grams, 250 grams of the end of pickled pepper, ginger foam, 150 grams, 15 grams of dried chili festival, lobster end of 35 grams, 30 grams of ginger pieces, soak sauerkraut 100 grams, 4 grams of pepper, garlic 30 grams, 100 grams of onion section, 40 grams of soy pastry, chicken 20 grams, 15 grams of MSG, 25 grams of white wine, Salt to taste, sugar 8 grams, 100 grams of cooking wine (or beer, half bottle), 60 grams of soy stem cells, 800 grams of salad oil.

1, after the slaughter of fish net rule, tick the next two net meat, Tiqu ventral spine, using oblique blade cut into 2 cm thick blocks of tile-shaped large; Zhancheng large fish bones, fish head split into 4-6 pieces, add a little salt, a few yards taste of liquor, washed with water to the steak on the bloody mucus, and then stick thin uniform dry corn flour. Bubble sliced pickled cabbage, green onions cut into 6 cm segments.

2, set each on a pot, pour hot oil till the Liucheng, first under the garlic, pepper until fragrant, then the next Pixian soybean paste, hot pepper, hot ginger, black bean puree, ginger pieces saute, and then the fish bones, fish were placed in the pot; to be solidified forming the surface of fish, 1,500 grams of water rate increases, then add cooking wine, pot bottom material, dry chili festival, chicken, monosodium glutamate, salt, sugar , onion festival and other spices,chi flat iron (http://www.achistore.us), into the pot pot pot, and finally thrown into the crisp beans and serve. Zhan Shi fish dish with a dry oil. Dried red pepper oil with a dry dish, cooked white sesame seeds, crisp flowers Ren broken teeth, MSG, small green onion, coriander, hot pot soup modulation.

red silver carp, tomatoes, sweet potato powder, salt, soy sauce, sesame oil

1, the preliminary work: red silver carp and cut into sections (preferably 3 cm wide, 7 cm long, do not cut too short Otherwise, fish bone thin and long) washed, placed in a bowl with soy sauce marinade tasty. Soak for at least half an hour, during which to flip several times, so that full access to fish sauce.

2, when cooking: tomatoes clean cuts.

3, first put a little oil, add a little salt and sauté about tomatoes. Then into the water, wait for it to boil. (Some people find red silver carp compared fishy, you can add ginger.)

4, when the water in the other, put some sweet potato powder in a bowl, add a little bit of water, to melt, into a paste shape. The steak to the fully contaminated with sweet potato powder. (Very easy of sweet potato flour, little by little, so be sure to add water, do not look at adding a lot of water.)

5, the water boiled, the fish piece by piece into the pot, turning as needed add a little salt. Maximum of 3 minutes, you can install the pot.

6, add a little sesame oil, taste more delicious.

13, 【】 wood approach the fish

200 grams of fresh fish, water, 75 grams of mushrooms, bamboo shoots 50 grams, 25 grams of cooked ham, leek leaf amount, fresh ginger 25 grams, 50 grams lard, 25 grams of cooking wine, chicken oil 25 grams, 50 grams of water, starch, pepper, salt, MSG, chicken broth, onion ginger sauce the right amount.

1. meat cut into 3 cm long thick wire, plus wine, onion ginger juice, salt, monosodium glutamate salt tasty;

2. mushrooms, bamboo shoots, ham, ginger cut filaments were ;

3. with leaves of the ginger and garlic, ham silk, mushrooms, fishing line tied together, were divided into 24 bundles;

4. a knife to cut two, neat row into the bowl, add chicken broth, salt, monosodium glutamate, onion ginger juice, lard, cooking wine, pepper on Long Ti steamed, code tidy, the fish head, fish tail boiled water is good, reset;

5 . steamed fish main ingredient purified, into the pot boiling, water, starch, starch, pour in the fish on the name of the oil can be poured.

characteristics: fat and tender and delicate, taste delicious cuisine: Hunan

14, the practice of mandarin fish】 【squirrel mandarin fish

Nixon sub-200 grams of cooking wine 2 10 grams of pepper vegetable oil, tomato sauce 500 g 10 g wet starch 40 grams (actual consumption of 50 grams) 15 grams of salt amount of vinegar

1. The mandarin fish to the scales, gills, fins, internal organs, remove the head of the leather, wash, the head Zhanxia, spread out, flat shot. Fish knife to cut off the back of the fish bone (do not cut the belly of the fish breaking), leaving about 1 in the rain at the tail of the spine. Mandarin fish bone, the skin down spread, cut flowers with oblique knife knife, knife meat deep 4 / 5, do not cut broken skin, open a port in the tail, and pull the tail from the edge.

2. Sprinkle the salt fish, pepper, cooking wine, wet starch (a little) smooth evenly.

3. Frying pan get angry, after the Heat into the vegetable oil, oil heat to Qicheng, the mandarin fish dipped in a little starch, put the pan fried a few minutes, then head dipped starch into the pan fried, deep fry golden brown, remove, will have spent upward side of a knife placed in the fish dish, and put on the head.

4. The pine nuts on the pan until cooked, remove and put in small bowl. 5. Heat some oil in wok, add a little broth, add salt, sugar, tomato paste, vinegar, boiling, the use of wet starch thicken, add hot oil to push even a little, pour in the fish on the pan, sprinkle with pine nuts that is be.

15, the practice】 【Beer Fish

fish (tender meat is better) Accessories: green peppers, tomatoes; salt, cooking wine, peanut oil, beer, soy sauce, soy sauce, oyster sauce, onion ginger, chicken powder, MSG

1, Wash the fish to the five internal organs, tomatoes, green peppers cut into pieces;

2, wok, pour point oil heat Add fish and after about;

3, ignition pot sit, pour oil into the fish Jian Hao, add onions, ginger, green peppers, beer, oyster sauce, cooking wine, soy sauce, chicken, salt , chicken soup simmered for 5 minutes the fire, boil after adding tomatoes, sesame oil.

16, the practice dates 【】 Mandarin fish net fish

200 grams. Ingredients: 150 grams of rapeseed leaf. Cooking wine 10 grams, 1 gram of salt, 3 egg, 20 grams of dry corn flour, a little flour, a little red yeast powder, peanut oil 500 grams (about consumption of 30 grams.)

1. to net fish pieces into a thick 3-chip, cut into 1-inch wide rectangular bar 3 points, in a bowl, add wine, salt, a little different, marinate 5 minutes. Rape leaves washed with water, cut into filaments.

2. the egg into the dish, with chopsticks taken out and was snow-white foam, then add corn flour, mix into Korea powder, divided in two bowls, one bowl add red yeast powder, mix well red.

3. sit stir the pot, into 250 grams of peanut oil, till the Qicheng heat, into the rape under the wire, into pieces when you remove and control Absolute dark red, and threw in the disc.

4. sit stir the pot, into 500 grams of peanut oil, burning Zhisi Cheng hot, the fish will be asked to stick a layer of flour, and then divided into two: one coated in Korea paste stir the pot with warm oil into the Zhashu remove, control absolutes; to another fish sticks coated in Korea containing red yeast rice powder paste into the pot with warm fried cooked song, remove and control oil purifier, rape in the disc loose on both sides of the above sub-code the red and white fish sticks, fish, ducks Serve date style.
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15 - 11 - 2010, 12:01
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09 - 04 - 2011, 23:54
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