المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : ممكن المساعده

درب الحزن
12 - 05 - 2006, 01:32
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

مرحبا لجميع أعضاء المنتدى منتدى نبض المعاني

أتأسف للطول قطعي بزيارة المنتدى نظرا للظروف

وأنا اليوم جاي أريد من أعضاء المنتدى خدمة لمن كان يستطيع أن يساعدني

أريد بعض المعلومات عن التعليم بسلطنة عمان ( بالمدارس ) وضع التعليم في الماضي والحاضر ومستويات المدارس

لا تستغربو من هذا الطلب لأن المعلومات التي أريدها باللغة الأنجليزيه لأن بحثي مطلوب باللغة الأنجليزيه

هذا إذا أمكن وإذا لم تتمكنو باللغة الأنجليزيه فباللغة الربية ربما تكون بعض المعلومات لم تخطر في بالي

وسأكون شاكراً لكل من حالول مساعدتي

عاشق السمراء
12 - 05 - 2006, 01:51
مسااااااااااء جميل ..

اخي درب

عسى خير ..

راح نحاول ان شاء الله !!

أخت الرجال
12 - 05 - 2006, 02:46
اخوي الى تريده بحث ولا برجراف
لانه عندي برجراف عن التعليم قبل السبعين.
لان الاستاذ قال لنااسالو اي احد يقرب
لكم عاش قبل السبعين او تلك الفتره.
like >> enter view

اذا تبيه انا حاضره.

12 - 05 - 2006, 16:01
أختي درب الحزن .. والله فااالج طيب .. وياليت كنت أقدر أساعدج في هذا الموضوع .. بس أكييييييييييد إخوانا العمانيه ما راح يقصرووون معاج ..
ويالله شدوااا حيييلكم يا العمانيييين .....

درب الحزن
13 - 05 - 2006, 19:16
شكرا لكل الي مر وشاف طلبي

أما ردي إلى أخت الرجال فأنا أشكرك على الجهود وأنات أريد أي معلومه سواء كانت في بحث أو برجراف

كما أني أكرر أني أريد بالغة الانجليزيه وإن كانت عندكم بعض المعلومات باللغة العربيه بعد أريدها وأنا أحاول

أترجمها للغة الأنجليزيه لأني يمكن بعض الملعومات أكون غفلت عنها وأنتم تساعدوني على تذكرها

أكرر شكري لكل الي يحاول يساعدني

أخت الرجال
13 - 05 - 2006, 19:19
اخوي بكتب البرجراف الي عندي وشوفه ok

أخت الرجال
13 - 05 - 2006, 20:29
وهذي البرجراف

Muscat in 1970

Everyone knows that in Muscat was very different in 1970.
In order to find out more about life 36 years ago, I interviewed my grandfather. We decided to focus on the topic of education. The following report is based on my Grandfather's comments.

The field of education was not very well developed anywhere in Oman in 1970. In fact, there was only one school in Muscat, called Al Saidaya. That school was for only boys from rich families. There was, however, informal education which focused on studying the Holy Quran and mathematics. These lessons usually took place in teachers' homes or outdoors under shady trees. There were limited
Opportunities for girls to study the Holy Quran and mathematics informally. I remember when I studied
In thr past 36 years there has been incredible development in the education sector. Today there over 50 schools in Muscat and almst all children both boys and girls attend at least 10 years of formal education. This great achievement was due to the wisdom of our great leader, His Majesty, Sultan Qaboos.

درب الحزن
14 - 05 - 2006, 00:08
شكرا يا أخت الرجال على المساعده
وأتمنى من بقية الأعضاء أن يفعلو مثل أخت الرجال


أخت الرجال
14 - 05 - 2006, 17:30
شكرا يا أخت الرجال على المساعده

وأتمنى من بقية الأعضاء أن يفعلو مثل أخت الرجال


هذا واجبنا اخوي

والاعضاء ما عليهم قصور
راح يساعدونك انشاءالله

15 - 05 - 2006, 00:13
اختي الغاليه هذا موقع بالانجليزي عن التعليم في سلطنة عمان
http://www.omani.info/education.htm#overview (http://www.omani.info/education.htm#overview)

وللترجمه هذا موقع قوقل للترجمه يساعدج
http://www.google.com/language_tools (http://www.google.com/language_tools)


Education in Oman

Overview of Education in Oman

Education and training in the Sultanate of Oman have developed at a staggering pace since the accession of Sultan Qaboos bin Said in 1970. At that time there were only three rudimentary schools in the entire country, with a total of 909 pupils and not more than thirty teachers. There are now over 1000 schools in Oman, 90% of them government-run (the remainder being private) providing education at primary, preparatory and secondary levels.

Stages of Education

At present there are three stages of juvenile education: primary, preparatory and secondary. Primary school education usually begins at the age of six. Having passed the sixth primary grade examination between the ages of twelve and fourteen the pupil moves on to preparatory education. Students passing the general preparatory certificate examination are then admitted to the first grade of secondary school between the ages of fifteen and seventeen. On completion of their secondary education successful students can go on to advanced training at specialist colleges or enter Sultan Qaboos University.

Student Population

The total number of students in State education is around 560,000 of whom nearly half are female. There are presently 132 private schools in Oman, educating some 25,000 students.
Children with Special needs

The Ministry of Education makes special arrangements for the education of some 600 children who are blind, deaf and dumb or have other learning difficulties and are therefore unable to attend normal school. The Ministry is keen to increase the number of special needs schools of which there are currently only three in the entire Sultanate. Some are sent to an appropriate establishment in neighbouring countries.
Teaching Staff

Over the past few years with the introduction of teacher training, the government has opened 6 training institutes. Currently around 9,000 students are studying at the six colleges. Oman proudly presents good quality, qualified teachers into its schools and there are almost 30,000 teachers employed in government-run schools. The Ministry is making strenuous and concerted efforts to replace expatriates at all levels with trained Omani teachers. At primary school level, nearly all the teaching staff are Omanis.

Private Schools

The Government has encouraged the growth of private schools in the Sultanate and welcomes the contribution made by the private sector to the education system. In the year 2000 there were 132 private schools and kindergartens in the Sultanate providing pre-school, primary, preparatory and secondary education. Private school owners must be of Omani nationality and have at least a secondary school certificate. Private schools follow the same curriculum as Government schools and hold the same examinations.
Private Colleges

The Ministry encourages the private sector to establish colleges and institutes of higher education. There are 14 privately owned Colleges of Higher Education which operate under license from the Ministry of Higher Education and are at different stages of development. Three of these are designated University Colleges: Caledonian College of Engineering, Majan College and Sur University College. All 14 are affiliated to Universities in the UK, USA, Australia or India. The existing provision for higher education is still insufficient, which means that a considerable number of Omanis go abroad for their post-secondary education. The amalgamation of certain colleges to form three new universities is being talked about at present.

There are at least 20 Further Education colleges and institutes in the Sultanate. The majority of subjects are taught in the English language hence there is a growing demand for English language courses. Oman has a very strong Omanisation policy and the government is aiming for 100% Omanisation of the teaching force by 2005. These colleges offer post-secondary education in business administration, economics, commerce and computer sciences. The diplomas awarded at the end of one to three year courses qualify the students to enter overseas universities.

The first women's college in Oman, the Mazoon College for Management and Applied Sciences, opened during 1999. This was followed by Al-Zahra College for Girls.

Adult Education

Adult education operates in parallel with the regular education system allowing advanced courses and examinations to be taken. Great importance is attached to allowing those who, for one reason or another, have been unable to complete their education to continue with their studies.
The role of the Ministry of Higher Education

The Ministry of Higher Education supervises all other higher education institutions and is responsible for overseas students, for formulating higher education policies and administering the Law on Grants & Scholarships.

During this Five-Year Plan (2001-2006), the Ministry intends to set up a Marine Sciences College in Dhofar and a Higher Institute of Arts at Sohar. A Higher Judicial Institute at Nizwa is planned to prepare students to become judges and legal advisers on a two-year post-graduate programme for which a higher diploma will be awarded.

It is also hoped to raise the level of intermediate Teachers' Colleges to the standards of the College of Education in order to ease the pressure on Sultan Qaboos University. There are six teacher training colleges in Oman, four of which are for men at Nizwa, Sur, Sohar and Salalah and two for women at Rustaq and Ibri.

Teaching of English

The teaching of English has assumed increasing importance in recent years. Children start to learn English as a first second language from entrance level in many schools, however, government-run schools start at around 7 years. Acquiring a good level of the English language is necessary particularly in higher education colleges where science-based courses are conducted in that language.
Sultan Qaboos University(SQU)

The Sultan Qaboos University, which is situated at Al Khoudh, some 50 kms west of Muscat, opened in 1986. There are currently some 12.000 students at the University. The university has faculties for Medicine, Engineering, Science, Agriculture, Arts, Commerce and Economics, and Islamic Sciences. The Government also funds a limited number of places at overseas universities and has licensed US and UK universities to set up programmes in Oman.

Sultan Qaboos University Hospital

The 500-bed teaching hospital, which opened in 1989, has a staff establishment of over one thousand. There are 200 academic staff and some 800 supporting staff. The hospital has advanced diagnostic equipment and specialist departments for paediatrics, gynaecology, internal diseases, surgery, psychiatry, cardiac diseases and out-patients department. The hospital serves as the principal training centre for Omani doctors.
[URL="http://www.omani.info/education.htm#top"] (http://www.omani.info/education.htm#top)
Students Overseas

In year 2002 there were over 20,000 Omani students, of whom just over half were women, studying at universities in forty-five different countries.


Education in Oman is provided free of charge up to the end of secondary education (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Secondary_education), though attendance is not compulsory at any level. Oman (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oman)'s national educational programme expanded rapidly during the 1970s (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1970s) and the 1980s (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1980s). In 2000–2001 316,889 students attended primary schools (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Primary_school) while some 254,496 were enrolled at secondary schools. There are also extensive programmes to combat adult illiteracy. Sultan Qaboos University (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sultan_Qaboos_University), a national university near Muscat (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muscat), was founded in 1980; in 1995 it had 4,296 students. In 1998, 4.5 per cent of the country’s gross national product (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gross_national_product) (GNP) was spent on education. The adult literacy rate (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Literacy_rate) in 2004 was 77.1 per cent.
Retrieved from "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Education_in_Oman (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Education_in_Oman)"

واتمنى انه اكون وفقت في اختيار شي مفيد لج
وان شاء الله راح ابحث اكثر

درب الحزن
15 - 05 - 2006, 00:34
شكرا لمراقب منتدانا كنوز هذي معلومات جيده
كما أتمنا المزيد من المعلومات من بقية الأعضاء إذا كانوا يمتلكونها

وأكرر شكري لكل من حاول مساعدتي سواء كان يبحث ويحاول مساعدتي أو الذي ساعدتي وأعطاني المعلومات التي تتوفر لديه