المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : هاك إحصائية كل قسم للـ VB3 Gold

ضيف المهاجر
07 - 04 - 2004, 01:46
السلام عليكم
vB3 إحصائيات كل قسم للـ
رقم الإصدار 1.1
تعريب ضيف المهاجر

التعديل سيكون في ثلاثة أماكن :
تحرير ملف :
اضافة قالب جديد:
تعديل في قالب :

الخطوة الأولى افتح ملف :

في السطر 17 (تقريبا) ابحث عن

أستبدله بهذا:

لا زلنا في forumdisplay.php

في السطر 37 (تقريبا) ابحث عن

إستبدله بهذا:


لا زلنا في forumdisplay.php

في السطر 752 (تقريبا) ابحث عن


while ($thread = $DB_site->fetch_array($threads))

في أعلاه ضع الكود التالي:

////////////////////////////// BOOFO'S FORUM QUICK STATS CACHE HACK //////////////////////////////
$forumstatscache = unserialize($datastore['forumstatscache']);
$forumstats = $forumstatscache[$forumid];

$updatetime = $vboptions['forumcachetime'];
$statsupdate = '';

if ($forumstats['lastupdate'] == 0 OR ($forumstats['lastupdate'] + ($updatetime * 60)) < TIMENOW)
SELECT COUNT(threadid) AS threads, SUM(replycount) AS replies, SUM(views) AS views
FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "thread
WHERE forumid=$forumid

$forumid = intval($forumid);
$threadavg = $DB_site->query_first("
SELECT AVG(votetotal / votenum) AS avgrating
FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "thread
WHERE forumid=$forumid
AND votenum <> 0

$topthreads = $DB_site->query_first("
SELECT COUNT(threadid) as threads, postusername, postuserid
FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "thread
WHERE forumid=$forumid
GROUP BY postuserid
ORDER BY threads DESC, dateline ASC

$topposter = $DB_site->query_first("
SELECT user.userid, user.username, COUNT(post.postid) AS postcount
LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "thread ON (post.threadid = thread.threadid)
LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "user ON (post.userid = user.userid)
WHERE thread.forumid=$forumid
GROUP BY post.userid
ORDER BY postcount DESC

SELECT forum.title AS forum, COUNT(attachment.attachmentid) AS count, SUM(IF(thumbnail = '', 0, 1)) AS thumbs, SUM(IF(thumbnail = '', 1, 0)) AS files, SUM(attachment.filesize) AS bytes
FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "attachment, " . TABLE_PREFIX . "post, " . TABLE_PREFIX . "thread, " . TABLE_PREFIX . "forum
WHERE attachment.postid = post.postid
AND post.threadid=thread.threadid
AND forum.forumid=thread.forumid
AND forum.forumid=$forumid
GROUP BY thread.forumid

$forumstats['numthreads'] = intval ($numcount[threads]);
$forumstats['numreplies'] = intval ($numcount[replies]);
$forumstats['numviews'] = intval ($numcount[views]);
$forumstats['topthreadscount'] = intval ($topthreads[threads]);
$forumstats['topthreadsid'] = intval ($topthreads[postuserid]);
$forumstats['topthreadsun'] = ($topthreads[postusername]);
$forumstats['topthreadspercent'] = round(100 * ($topthreads[threads] / $numcount[threads]), 2);
$forumstats['toppostercount'] = intval ($topposter[postcount]);
$forumstats['topposterid'] = intval ($topposter[userid]);
$forumstats['topposterun'] = ($topposter[username]);
$forumstats['topposterpercent'] = round(100 * ($topposter[postcount] / ($numcount[threads] + $numcount[replies])), 2);
$forumstats['attachscount'] = intval ($attachs[count]);
$forumstats['attachsbytes'] = intval ($attachs[bytes]);
$forumstats['attachsthumbs'] = intval ($attachs[thumbs]);
$forumstats['attachsfiles'] = intval ($attachs[files]);
$forumstats['avgrating'] = intval (round($threadavg[avgrating]));
$forumstats['lastupdate'] = intval (TIMENOW);

$forumstatscache[$forumid] = $forumstats;

$DB_site->query ("
(title, data)
('forumstatscache', '" . addslashes ( serialize ( $forumstatscache ) ) . "')

$forumstats['numthreads'] = vb_number_format($forumstats['numthreads']);
$forumstats['numreplies'] = vb_number_format($forumstats['numreplies']);
$forumstats['numviews'] = vb_number_format($forumstats['numviews']);
$forumstats['topthreadscount'] = vb_number_format($forumstats['topthreadscount']);
$forumstats['toppostercount'] = vb_number_format($forumstats['toppostercount']);
$forumstats['attachscount'] = vb_number_format($forumstats['attachscount']);
$forumstats['attachsbytes'] = vb_number_format($forumstats['attachsbytes'], 2, true);
$forumstats['attachsthumbs'] = vb_number_format($forumstats['attachsthumbs']);
$forumstats['attachsfiles'] = vb_number_format($forumstats['attachsfiles']);
$forumstats['avgrating'] = vb_number_format($forumstats['avgrating']);
if (($forumstats['topthreadspercent'] % 10) == 0)
$forumstats['topthreadspercent'] = vb_number_format($forumstats['topthreadspercent']) . '%';
$forumstats['topthreadspercent'] = vb_number_format($forumstats['topthreadspercent'], 2) . '%';
if (($forumstats['topposterpercent'] % 10) == 0)
$forumstats['topposterpercent'] = vb_number_format($forumstats['topposterpercent']) . '%';
$forumstats['topposterpercent'] = vb_number_format($forumstats['topposterpercent'], 2) . '%';

$getupdatetime = vbdate("$vboptions[timeformat] - F jS, Y", $forumstats['lastupdate']);
$statsupdate = "<font color=green>Last updated at $getupdatetime</font>";

$yourpost = $DB_site->query_first("
SELECT forum.title, forum.forumid, COUNT( post.postid ) AS yourposts, SUM( IF( thread.postuserid = $bbuserinfo[userid] AND post.dateline = thread.dateline , 1, 0 ) ) AS yourthreads
FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "forum, " . TABLE_PREFIX . "thread, " . TABLE_PREFIX . "post
WHERE forum.forumid = thread.forumid
AND thread.threadid = post.threadid
AND post.userid = $bbuserinfo[userid]
AND forum.forumid = $forumid
GROUP BY forum.forumid
ORDER BY yourposts

$yourposts = $yourpost['yourposts'];
$yourthreads = $yourpost['yourthreads'];
$yourreplies = $yourposts - $yourthreads;

$yourposts = vb_number_format($yourposts);
$yourthreads = vb_number_format($yourthreads);
$yourreplies = vb_number_format($yourreplies);

if ($yourposts =="1")
$yourposts = $yourposts . " post";
$yourposts = $yourposts . " posts";
if ($yourthreads =="1")
$yourthreads = $yourthreads . " thread";
$yourthreads = $yourthreads . " threads";
if ($yourreplies =="1")
$yourreplies = $yourreplies . " reply";
$yourreplies = $yourreplies . " replies";

if ($forumstats[attachsthumbs] =="1")
$forumstats[attachsthumbs] = "<strong>" . $forumstats[attachsthumbs] . "</strong> Image";
$forumstats[attachsthumbs] = "<strong>" . $forumstats[attachsthumbs] . "</strong> Images";

if ($forumstats[attachsfiles] =="1")
$forumstats[attachsfiles] = "<strong>" . $forumstats[attachsfiles] . "</strong> File";
$forumstats[attachsfiles] = "<strong>" . $forumstats[attachsfiles] . "</strong> Files";

eval('$forumdisplayquickstats = "' . fetch_template('forumdisplay_quickstats') . '";');
////////////////////////////// BOOFO'S FORUM QUICK STATS CACHE HACK //////////////////////////////

لا زلنا في forumdisplay.php

في السطر 281 (تقريبا) ابحث عن


// ### BUILD FORUMS LIST #################################################

في أعلاه ضع الكود التالي:

// Logician Last Post Minute Hack
if ($forumcache[$forumid]['lastpost'] AND $forumcache[$forumid]['lastpost']>0)
if ($lastpostdateline<1) {
if (($lastpostdateline*60)<1) {$lastpostmin=" Now!";}
elseif (($lastpostdateline*60)<2) {$lastpostmin=(int)($lastpostdateline*60)." second ago!";}
else {$lastpostmin=(int)($lastpostdateline*60)." seconds ago!";}
elseif ($lastpostdateline<2) {$lastpostmin=(int)($lastpostdateline)." minute ago";}
elseif ($lastpostdateline<60) {$lastpostmin=(int)($lastpostdateline)." minutes ago";}
elseif ($lastpostdateline<(120)) {$lastpostmin=(int)($lastpostdateline/60)." hour ago";}
elseif ($lastpostdateline<(60*24)) {$lastpostmin=(int)($lastpostdateline/60)." hours ago";}
elseif ($lastpostdateline<(60*48)) {$lastpostmin=" Yesterday";}
else {$lastpostmin=((int)($lastpostdateline/(60*24)))." days ago";}
$lastthreadid = $forumcache[$forumid]['lastthreadid'];
$lastposter = $forumcache[$forumid]['lastposter'];
// Logician Last Post Minute Hack

انتهينا من تحرير ملف forumdisplay.php
الآن أضف قالب جديد بإسم " forumdisplay_quickstats " وضع الكود التالي بداخله :

<table class="tborder" cellpadding="$stylevar[cellpadding]" cellspacing="$stylevar[cellspacing]" border="0" width="100%" align="center">
<td class="tfoot"><strong>
<a style="float:$stylevar[right]" href="#top" onclick="return toggle_collapse('forumstats')"><img id="collapseimg_forumstats" src="$stylevar[imgdir_button]/collapse_thead$vbcollapse[collapseimg_forumstats].gif" alt="" border="0" /></a>
<span lang="ar-sa">إحصائية القسم</span> - <i>$foruminfo[title]</i></strong>
<tbody id="collapseobj_forumstats" style="$vbcollapse[collapseobj_forumstats]">
<td class="panelsurround" align="center">

<table class="panel" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="$stylevar[formspacer]" border="0" width="100%">
<td align="$stylevar[left]">
<fieldset class="fieldset" style="margin:0px">
<legend><font color=green>$statsupdate</font></legend>
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="$stylevar[formspacer]" border="0">
<td colspan="2" nowrap="nowrap"><div class="smallfont">
<span lang="ar-sa">عدد المواضيع</span>: <strong>$forumstats[numthreads]</strong></div></td>
<td nowrap="nowrap"><span class="smallfont">
<a href="$vboptions[bburl]/showthread.php?$session[sessionurl]goto=newpost&t=$lastthreadid">
<span lang="ar-sa">آخر مشاركة</span></a>: <strong>$lastpostmin </strong></span></td>
<td nowrap="nowrap"><span class="smallfont">
<span lang="ar-sa">أعلى المواضيع</span>: <a href="member.php?$session[sessionurl]u=$forumstats[topthreadsid]" target="_blank">$forumstats[topthreadsun]</a> (<strong>$forumstats[topthreadscount]</strong>
<span lang="ar-sa">المواضيع</span> = <strong>$forumstats[topthreadspercent]</strong>)</span></td>
<if condition="$forumstats[attachscount] !='0'">
<td nowrap="nowrap"><span class="smallfont">
<span lang="ar-sa">عدد المرفقات</span>: <strong>$forumstats[attachscount]</strong> ($forumstats[attachsthumbs] - $forumstats[attachsfiles])</span></td>
<td nowrap="nowrap"><span class="smallfont">
<span lang="ar-sa">معدل التصويت للموضوع</span>: <img class="inlineimg" src="$stylevar[imgdir_rating]/rating_$forumstats[avgrating].gif" alt="some text"></span></td>
<td align="$stylevar[left]">
<fieldset class="fieldset" style="margin:0px">
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="$stylevar[formspacer]" border="0">
<td colspan="2" nowrap="nowrap"><span class="smallfont">
<span lang="ar-sa">عدد الردود</span>: <strong>$forumstats[numreplies]</strong></span></td>
<td nowrap="nowrap"><span class="smallfont">
<span lang="ar-sa">آخر كاتب</span>: <a href="member.php?$session[sessionurl]find=lastposter&amp;f=$forumid" target="_blank">$lastposter</a></span></td>
<td nowrap="nowrap"><span class="smallfont">
<span lang="ar-sa">أكثر عضو مشارك</span>: <a href="member.php?$session[sessionurl]u=$forumstats[topposterid]" target=_blank>$forumstats[topposterun]</a> (<strong>$forumstats[toppostercount]</strong>
<span lang="ar-sa">الردود</span> = <strong>$forumstats[topposterpercent]</strong>)</span></td>
<if condition="$forumstats[attachscount] !='0'">
<td nowrap="nowrap"><span class="smallfont">
<span lang="ar-sa">حجم المرفقات</span>: <strong>$forumstats[attachsbytes]</strong></span></td>
<td nowrap="nowrap"><span class="smallfont">
<span lang="ar-sa">إجمالي المشاهدات</span>: <strong>$forumstats[numviews]</strong></span></td>
<if condition="$yourposts != 0">
<td class="thead" align="center" nowrap="nowrap" colspan="2"><if condition="$forumstats[topposterun] == $bbuserinfo[username]"><strong>
$bbuserinfo[username], <span lang="ar-sa">&nbsp;في هذا القسم أنت</span>
<span lang="ar-sa"><font color="#800000">أكثر مشاركة</font></span>
<span lang="ar-sa">بعدد المشاركات</span> $yourposts</strong>. (<strong>$yourthreads
<span lang="ar-sa">و</span> $yourreplies</strong>)<else /><strong>$bbuserinfo[username],
<span lang="ar-sa">لقد قمت بكتابة</span> $yourposts <span lang="ar-sa">
في هذا القسم</span></strong>. (<strong>$yourthreads <span lang="ar-sa">و</span> $yourreplies</strong>)</if></td>
<else />
<td class="thead" align="center" nowrap="nowrap" colspan="2"><strong>
$bbuserinfo[username], <span lang="ar-sa">لم تشارك في هذا القسم حتى الآن</span></strong>.</td>
<br />

الآن حرر تمبلت forumdisplay

وابحث عن :


أسفله مباشرة ضع الكود التال :



إنتهينا ,,,, مبروك الآن اذهب إلى اي قسم وشاهد احصائياته ,,,,

09 - 04 - 2004, 19:10
حقيقة هاك روعة .. باين من الصورة
اقدر اركبه على rc2

ضيف المهاجر
10 - 04 - 2004, 19:01
نعم اختي وسن اعتقد انه يركب لأنه مافي اختلاف بين الجولد والريليس 2


27 - 04 - 2004, 19:42
اخي هل تنفع هذه الطريقة على منتديات النسخه الثانية (2.2.8)
ارجو الرد
وشكرا لك

11 - 09 - 2004, 11:10
أشكرك ضيف المهاجر يا غالي مبدع دوماً أخوي ووفقك ربي...

01 - 10 - 2004, 06:39
السلام عليكم
في البداية لدي سؤال هل هذا الهاك فقط للنسخه القولد ؟؟؟
اذا كان الجواب بنعم فسؤالي القادم جوابه معروف
واما اذا كان الجواب لا فارجو ان تساعدوني
لاني استخدم نسخه غير القولد ....
لقد قمت بعمل جميع الخطوات بشكل صحيح
بس المشكله مافي شيء ظهر عندي
فهل من مساعده

ضيف المهاجر
04 - 10 - 2004, 23:45
اخي يا ناسينا ,,,,
الهاك يركب على الفي 3 ابتداء من 3.0 لكني لم اجربه على الريليس او البيتا لكن احتمال يشتغل في الريليس ,,, جرب


عاشق السمراء
05 - 10 - 2004, 00:09
مسااااااااااااء جميل ...

حلو الواحد يستفيد ويفيد ..

شكرا لك اخي المهاجر .....!!