المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : salaaam for all ,,

قطرة ندى
23 - 11 - 2002, 23:57
in the name of alaaah .
first of all i would like to thank your attention at my note and also for all the people who are responseble about this web page and the just to infor you that i knew the web page by my frieng who has the neck name of ALWAFI and he is keeping on speaking about this web page until i felt that i should regester in this web page ,, and just to informe you that i'm student in soltan qaboos uneversity in a coleage of engineering and i wish from my god that i can be agood visetor in this kute web site. thanx
Abo Maryam.

عاشق السمراء
24 - 11 - 2002, 00:45
wlcome dear abu maryam .. nice time see u in nabdh alm3ani .. I hope nice time here with all brother and ure sister .. and thanks to mutch alwafi ..
best regard ..:cool:

24 - 11 - 2002, 03:24
هلا بك يا بو مريم وغلا إحم :)

نسعد بتواجدك معنا اخي إحم :)

لست بمجرد زائر بل عضو نابض

وان تكون من عائلة نبض المعاني إحم :)

نتشرف بك والشكر موصول للاخ الوافي

وهلا بك دائما وابدا إحم :)

سمراء الليل الحزين
24 - 11 - 2002, 03:44
hi ...teryaq ....u r welcomed 2 our site a new meber >>>wish you the best times here among us

My Regrds 4 U:cool:

24 - 11 - 2002, 04:19
nice to join our beat (nab'9)
now u r a member not just a visitor :)
best time between us

ur sis... durra (:smil:

كاتب المعاني
24 - 11 - 2002, 09:25
you are most welcome Abo Maryam
today you joint us as a visitor but from now you are part
of our family hopefully you will get nice time with us and we will keep sharing the life as best as we can

many thanks for joining us and many thanks to you friend alwafi